Here, There be a Writer

Monday, October 1, 2018

OctPoWriMo Day #1: (Surrender)

It is fitting that I return to this blog in October for OctPoWriMo (October Poetry Writing Month), and it is fitting that this is the 4th year of my friendship with the musketeers: Athos, Aramis, and D'Artagnen , with me as Porthos). This poem is for them, and you know who you are!!!

Topic: Surrender

Word Prompts: Open, Feel, deep, be, Self love

Poetic Form: Free Verse

I don't really dig free verse anymore. I loved it in high school; I wrote of it is college, but now I prefer writing in poetic forms all sorts. Something I have learned about writing is that you sometimes need to return to what you knew back in  the day. So, today, Dear Readers, I return to free verse for OctPoWriMo Day #1.

Today's poem is about that special type of love, Self Love, and discovering it. It is a hard love to find, but it is a beautiful and wonderful love. I hope you enjoy, Dear Readers.

Self Loving Title

I thought of the time before,
will it even be the same?
I thought I couldn't love again,
it will never be the same!
I wanted the what was most easy,
what had always been, you know.
I needed what was most difficult,
the strange and different than I knew.
I wanted to feel,
I wanted to be open,
I wanted love,
I wanted to be...

poojasingh123456 from MorgueFile


  1. Lovely, as usual, my Dragongirl. I see some growth in this writing. Four years will do that, won't it? And thank you. Love you, milady.

  2. Beautiful words, thanks for sharing looking forward to ready more of your poetry as the month goes by.

  3. Self love, in whatever form, is one of the hardest things I had to learn. Love your poem, dear friend. Glad you're with us for the ride, wherever it might lead.


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