Here, There be a Writer

Thursday, October 30, 2014

OctPoWriMo Day 30: Imaging the End

Your Prompt: On the day before…

Word Prompts: before, preface, precursor, front, antecedent

See what the other poets have  written for today's OctPoWriMo. The Blog Hop is here.

Not my strongest piece. I am a bit tired this morning, but in keeping with the tradition of getting up and writing my poem in the early hours of the morning, here goes. I used the acrostic form to help me focus. Enjoy, Dear Readers.

Imaging the End

On the day before
Never could I believe

That I have made it through the month.
Here is the proof that in the words I write, that
Everyday I made the choice

Daring that I could write everyday, a poem.
Always using the prompts given (which was a choice),
Yet, I managed, within the sometimes daily writer's block.

Before there was an idea and
Even when there wasn't.
First, I would think
Of the possible outcomes then
Really set to write, free verse or haiku until
Everything suddenly fell into place.


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