Here, There be a Writer

Monday, October 16, 2017

OctPoWriMo - Day 16 - Fears (When You're Chased...)

Writing Prompt: Fears

I could have taken this is a bunch of directions, but sometimes with fears you need some humour to temper the emotions. I remember back as a child, I was most afraid of things that I didn't know what they were, who a person was (what their name was), and feeling lost. If you take that and think about asking your fear (if they were people) what their name is/was, maybe your would find them less scary.

Also, there was this bit from the MTV show "The Maxx" that plays with this idea. Having Maxx's fears named Dave. So, I wrote a haiku about that. If you are curious to see what I am talking about, here's the clip I used.


When you're chased by fears,
Remember to ask their names.
Maybe, they're called Dave.

Sorry, I have to amend this poem, per request of Jesi.

When you're chased by fears,
Remember to ask their names.
Maybe, they're called Bob.

from MorgueFile
What are some ways you deal with your fears, Dear Readers? Leave me a comment below.


  1. Aww, I like that! I might even try it out :)

  2. I like the concept of the fears having names. Thank you.

    How do I deal with fears. I talk to myself. Usually out loud. Similar to the old people I used to make fun of. Now I am one of "the old people."

    Thank you. xoA


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