This Year:
*David and I are working on being friends. We still consider each other our best friends, but with a break-up there is a massive transition has to happen. That requires distance, time, and introspective soul searching. I cannot speak for him, but I know that I need to figure me out. I send him love and know that anything worth having is not easy, but will be better down the road. Thank you to all my friends for being there me and for David. It'll take time and is not easier, as I am learning, but I am determined to make it happen;
*Learning to be single. See, its been a while and things I took for granted being in a relationship, and now being single feels weird and scary. In this process I have discovered going on dates with myself to be oddly rewarding and keeping busy is the best thing for me right now. Also, I am not a cheap date; :-)
*I am taking the next step into being a writer. I started picking out stories that I have wanted to work on editing, improving, and sending out to beta readers, and this submitting for publication. Also, I wrote two children's stories and the one (Little Lost Sheep) is now is the final revision stage, after having 5 beta readers return edits. I am now preparing an artist packet for perspective illustrators. I am going to get this thing published by 2017 (by hell or high water). Maybe that's a lofty goal, but its what I want;
*I love to write and finding that passion again, with a little less furiousity, as I am working on the editing part now. But, not being afraid to write something or at least try something new. I even have a Channillo series for poetry, Here, There be a Poet. Go check it out!
*I love theatre too much to quit, but am really making a choice what shows I do. Auditioning for MacBeth next month, becasue Shakespeare. and this year I directed, Agatha Christie's The Mousetrap. I performed in Zombie Prom, A Golden Age of Radio reenactment, and wrote/directed/acted in Here Comes Snoopy Claus, the Hammondsport Xmas show, and participated in three 24 Hour Theatre events;
*I traveled to Hartford, CT to attend Connecticon and visit with my friend and mentor, James Owen, ALL BY MYSELF!!
*I enjoyed the summer and had no commitments. This means I attended several graduation parties, went to Avon's Flea Market, went to Sterling's Renaissance Faire, visited old friends while having new adventures, Weird Al concert, and a lot more that I cannot remember at the moment.
*Read ALL the GAIMAN (well most of the Gaiman). I have a reading goal of 40 (revised) books and at 38 books. Trying to make that goal by the skin of my teeth. Finally finished my current book to movie adaptation review from last year. Favourite books I read this year Amanda Palmer's The Art of Asking, The Ocean at the End of the Lane, and The Bloggess's Let's Pretend it Didn't Happen. I also read a crap ton of Agatha Christie's novels;
*Also, I got to see Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Krampus, The Peanuts Movie, Pan, Mad Max: Fury Road, four separate live Riff Trax events, and The Book of Life (I think are were a few others, but that's what I can remember).
It's been a full years, speed bumps and excitement all around. What have you done this year, books reads, movies, watched, adventures had? Leave me a comment below, Dear Readers. I would love to hear from you.
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