Here, There be a Writer

Monday, October 7, 2024

OctPoWriMo: The Blitz Goes On...

Some days are just not creative, other days are fill with struggles. Today I didn't feel creative, between being without a car still and trying to get to work each day has left me feeling a bit depressed and frustrated. I didn't even want to write today, but then I would be a day behind. Honestly, I still am a bit behind, but the drawing challenges I can catch up in no time. It's the writing that I struggle with time and again. If I don't try to write, then I let it slip. Not really a fan of that. It just happens that the poetic form suggestion for today was a Blitz poem, which is quite the sexy poetic form, if I ever saw one. 48 lines of controlled chaos that somehow makes sense.

This month has been filled with prompts for fears and failure and separation, and maybe it's been taking its toll on me, so I decided to write a happy ending for me blitz poem, because F*CK Yeah! :-) It is my blog after all. I am almost not inspired to write a micro fiction for Writober today, but I will likely double up in the coming days. Going to stick with what feels comfortable today, Dear Readers. 


Day 7: Fear/Separation/Anaphora (Blitz)


Fear the Separation


Feel it now

Feel it then

Then comes memories

Then the shame

Shame of my behavior

Shame of my words

Words can hurt

Words can divide

Divide and conquer

Divide the souls

Souls connected

Souls alive

Alive is how I feel

Alive with you

You are not here

You and me

Me left alone

Me thinking

Thinking of loss

Thinking now

Now is the time

Now I know

Know What

Know how

How can this be

How can I?

I am sitting here

I don’t know

Know what you do

Know how to

To make you forgive

To make you love

Love what I see

Love the possible

Possible to lose

Possible to leave

Leave me alone

Leave me

Me sitting alone

Me alone

Alone again

Alone nevermore

Nevermore can I imagine

Nevermore will you

You are leaving me?

You are staying here.



Sunday, October 6, 2024

And the Writing Continues...

 Day 6 of OctPoWriMo and Writober, and today's prompt is all about imposter syndrome. It is some that I deal with regularly. Feeling like I am not good enough, or why should I even try to do this or that. It makes for some unproductive days.

Imposter’s Waltz (Bop Poem)


It doesn’t matter if it is morning or night,

The beckoning call comes from the back of

My head, where the deep thoughts creep.

I just want to silence their singing,

Telling me to stop the battle that I

Am waging with my own two hands.


They sing sweetly of my failures,

Let me dance the tarantella of my faults.

I do not know when it started to play,

This melodic hymn of the false.

In this waltz, I try to step right,

Only to have my feet slide to the left, and I

See my mistakes laid out before me,

Accusatory of my attempts at Art.


When there is a flash of light, spilling

Into the darkness that this lying, macabre music tells.

I can see a luminated figure standing guard.

The lamplight is so bright, and I can finally see

Where I left my quill and ink, lying in the dust.


 (Etheree) Imposter Feels

For a moment it feels so natural,

Talking about the plans to be made,

When you tell me that I am dumb,

Stares blankly back towards your face,

What did I do? I ask.

Laughter, then silence.

You thought you could,

Came the words

From me



Am the


Having some tea,

Sitting with myself

At a poser gala,

With crumpets and shame at my

Lack of control, thinking I could,

But not knowing better, I still say

That I cannot, I am the imposter.

Saturday, October 5, 2024

OctPoWriMo and Writober: Day 5 -Tanka and Pantoum

 Today is uninspiring, but I have something for you, dear Readers. Sometimes I just don't have much to write about, or a lack of words to say. So, please enjoy today's fare...

Prompt: Success/Fear/Euphony (Tanka)


Waging Wars


After its over

When thinking begins again

Was I good enough?

Am I deserving of this?

Battling my fears again.


In the Dark (A Pantoum Story)


This is not a story that I am telling

I am not writing words to entertain.

I am simply writing words down

As a dark figure whispers in my ear.


I am not writing words to entertain,

I am writing words I am told to write.

As a dark figure whispers in my ear

That I only have the night.


I am writing words I am told to write

Like my life may depend on it,

That I only have the night

To finish what I am writing.


Like my life may depend on it,

Writing words in a certain order.

To finish what I am writing

By this dark figure at my side.


Writing words in a certain order--

I am simply writing words down

By this dark figure at my side

This is not a story that I am telling.

October Writing and ART Challenges: Art Edition

 Time for another art drop for my Inktober and Doodlewash Art Challenges as I am trying to get caught up on all of my prompts and the various challenges. Today was an art morning, working on my illustrated tale for Inktober, and since it is going to be a story I have to actually plot it out some. So, instead of 31 pages of drawings/doodles I am doing comic book style to tell this story. No, I don't have it all planned out, but I have been working on a page at a time. It has helped guide my concept for this challenge/story.

What I am posted today is the first six days so you can enjoy the first part of this story. I am also including days 4 and 5 of the October Art Challenge. There is nothing specific to those doodles; they are just fun little monthly challenges to keep my creativity churning. Note: doodlewash centers around watercolours specifically, but you can use just pencil, ink, paint, pastels, etc.

I do need a name for my protagonist though. Feel free to drop a name suggestion or two. 

Friday, October 4, 2024

October Writing Challenges: Writober Edition

 Short and sweet, here are Days 2 thru 4 of my micro fiction pieces written for the Writober challenge.

Midnight Harvest


Jesse wandered among the rows of corn, passed dusk, well into the evening time and the minimal light of her torch barely reached her bare feet. The feet that slapped the ground with each footstep. She could see there wasn’t much left of the harvest. She had come late before and still got something from the harvest.


The night birds sang quietly but trilled in ominous song as she walked past each of the markers. Each of the markers indicated which landowner owned that crop. So, she was hopeful there would be one or two ears of corn that she could take home for dinner. Her and Matthias hadn’t eaten anything today, and at this rate they wouldn’t eat tomorrow either.


Jesse threw up her torch light towards the sky, startling two large dusk moths as they dance in the very pale light of dawn. It wasn’t much light to see anything, but Jesse kept walking. She kept pulling at the leaves, checking to see if there really was an ear of corn left.


The moths fluttered down to her head, lowering her torch so not to scare them. They seemed to glow. And she kicked at the dirt, throwing a few small rocks forward, making the moths dart high, though they glowed brighter.


Almost at the end of this row, Jesse decided to turn back, her stomach aching with an empty stomach. When the moths glowed brighter still and rushed at Jesse’s face. Her hand batted at the creatures and felt cool metal against her palm. Pulling her hands away she saw thew two moths bobbing in front of her, holding two small lanterns. They quickly turned at raced further down the row. Jesse leapt forward and gave chase to the little inserts.


She didn’t really think, but just ran for a long time, until the moths suddenly disappeared. Jesse quit her pursuit, standing now in darkness, until quietly crested the small rise in the row. There in front of her were rows and rows and glowing vegetables. Jesse saw corn the colour of the morning sun, carrots like that of the late afternoon, and a deep purple looking thing that reminded her of the night. She blinked, crossing slowly down into the fields. Her hands grabbing at the corn and carrot, even pulling up the purple looking thing.


The moths returned to in front of Jesse’s face. Their iridescent eyes shining in the light from the vegetables. They fluttered their wings and darted away. Jesse turned quickly and took off toward home, she didn’t want to dare to catch a glance and the glowing field because she could get home. Tears at the corner of her eyes, she whispered thanks to the moths. 




Lily sat on her porch, her head in her hands. She didn’t want to look up. She didn’t want to see the evidence of her crime. Of course it wouldn’t be long now, Mom was due home any minute now.


She lifted her head, checking every time a car drove around the curve in the road, but there was nothing. Letting her head dangle as she stared at the ground, she heard a noise. It sounded like an animal crunching on the partially dried grass in the yard. Lily lifted her head again to see two foxes sitting in her yard. One was orange, the other a pale white.


The foxes sat there, watching her. The orange tilted its head, while the pale fox looked quickly away. Lily had never seen foxes so close, and she wanted to pet them, even give them a hug. Her troubles temporally forgotten.


Neither fox moved, nor did Lily. There didn’t seem to be any movement from the road. The orange fox sat still, blinked twice. While the pale fox got up and started to walk away. It was walking toward the road, which Lily thought was strange, but she felt compelled to stand and start walking towards the pale fox.


The orange fox blinked twice and let out a slow, but audible growl, but Lily did not turn back to the orange fox, she kept walking toward the pale fox. It was silent as it turned towards Lily, and she suddenly heard the orange one howl, but it was too late as the white car whipped around the bend in the road and right into Lily. The only sound that was heard was the screeching of tires.


The driver exited the car to see the young girl lying in front of his car. There were two foxes sitting in the distance watching the scene play out as the driver knelt to get a pulse from the child’s neck. 


The Letter


Mya’s hand shook as she wrote the letter. Inked letters spilling from the cheap motel, “I hope you are okay…” her hand shook, and she stopped, staring about the back of a paper menu. The words of the Rising Moon Café were bleeding through her letter. She looked again, reading the words out loud, “I hope you are okay, shrimp manicotti. Please come to Hot and Sour Soup.”


She shook her hand, trying to rid herself of some offending thoughts.


“You want another cup of coffee, Miss,” a voice said above her. Mya glanced upwards to see a smiling face of Juan. “Or maybe a piece of pie?”


Mya shook her head with much less force, No. Just the coffee please.” She didn’t want to tell Juan that all she could afford was the unlimited coffee and al the jelly and ketchup packet she could squirrel away.


“Alright,” said Juan, “but if you need anything please let me know.”


“Thank you,” said Mya, turning back to her menu letter. Her hands cupped around the chipped, cheap porcelain cup. The coffee tasted bitter, even with six sugar packets to flavour it. Mya picked up her pen and started writing again. “I don’t know what to tell you,” Mya scribbled. “I miss you.” She stopped and crumpled up the menu, looked towards Juan who was chatting with the cook. She shook her head, reached into her pocket and pulled out several quarters and dimes. Laying them on the table, she grabbed another paper menu and scribbled a quick note, rushed out of the café. Juan following her path out of the café.


He wandered over to the booth where Mya had been sitting. He saw the change. A quick count showed a tip of one dollar and fifty-five cents and a hastily scratched note. “I’m sorry, Juan. I hope you are okay, please come home. We miss you. Mya.”


Juan blinked and looked up. Mya stood outside, looking into then café. Juan rushed out to the meet Mya, but the second he left the café he found he was standing in a field, next to a grave. It was covered over in weeds and wildflowers. The grave was writing in faded etched letter Mya, beloved of Juan, 2024.

October Writing Challenges: OctPoWriMo Edition

It always seems that I try to stay ahead, and thus dooming me to failure (or success) of being perpetually behind. So, I find myself three days behind on my prompts for Inktober, Writober, OctPoWriMo, and the Halloween Photography Challenge. I don't want to dump several pieces for three different days, but I still want to share what I have written. 

This month has brought some personal revelations to light and because of this I need to write it out apparently. So far, a number of these pieces are echoing my own thoughts and emotions. It feels like a therapy session or two, but also, I am trying to write pieces in different style (forms), and really trying to use the prompts given to me.

I will admit that some of the poems this far need a little more work, but I guess that's anything. I am writing and then if I like it, then I can edit it. I guess there is no time like the present.

First up are my writings for OctoPoWriMo: Days 2 thru 4 (Free Verse, Pantoum, and Naani).

Haunting of the Ego


What is self?

It is but you

                And all you possess,

Including glost-

Haunting my memory banks,

                Making me squirm

                With the reminder

                Of what I did before.

And I am….


                Though time has long since passed.


Brush away,

Brush away,



With the motion, so habitual,

But like flies swarming.

I shudder.

And still, I shudder

At the memories,

And the embarrassment,

Haunted by my ego ghost.


I can remember being a child

(trying not to be clique here)

When it didn’t matter what I did,

Because I didn’t know shame then.


Trying not to be clique here,

But shame is something that is taught,

Because I didn’t know shame then,

I have learned it now.


But shame is something that is taught,

Covering you like a blanket.

I have learned it now

Just how comfortable shame is.


Covering you like a blanket.

When it didn’t matter what you did.

Just how comfortable shame is

I can remember being a child.

Orchestral Fears


When fears speak

The noise grows louder.

And nothing can break

The cacophonous symphony.

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

It's October!

October is s time of many challenges and I had a lot of fun with the writing and drawing that I am going to do it again. 

There is Inktober, Writober, OctOiWriMo, and the Halloween Photography challenge. Inktober is very common and easy to find by way of Google, but the others have to be found through Experience Writing, a delightful blog that features prompts for these challenges. OctOiWriMo used to be a major event, but in the last couple of years life has interrupted the regular moderators, so Experience Writing has taken on the mantle. Please check out her blog for all things writing and creative. 

Inktober - Day 1 (backpack) 
Comic Book style and for each prompt I will add to the story.

Let's start with today's OctOiWriMo poem, a quadrille, which is a 44 word poem. The prompt for today is "urgency of moments of nothingness". And go...

Puppet Strings

Tied to...
The clock, 
Ticking meow me awake
Invisible strings, 
Bound to the rhythm of the day.
And I cannot escape
Like a dog
On a short lead, 
Always trapped. 

Too this hell that the have made myself. 

Will someone help me? 


Halloween Photography Challenge

Ego Death


Now onto Writober which is a micro fiction piece based off of the photo on Experience Writing's blog.  It is a picture that looks like multiple exposed sites of fingers or branches in a light purple background.

End of the World

It was a crisp morning and the fog ended my backyard, and could only see the edges of the forest. Only just barely see the forest.

To early to be awake, but here I was, standing on my back porch with a steaming mug of coffee. I did this ritual every morning, like I was tied to something. The bitterness of the coffee loitered on my tongue as I watched the fog bank. I did this every morning, and every morning I saw  a little less of the world. Though I still continued onward. 

Today the gazebo was starting to be obscured by the fog, when yesterday I could still see the tree line on the other side of the gazebo.

Another sip of coffee and there was a breeze coming from the fog. I sighed. What works I see tomorrow?