Here, There be a Writer

Saturday, October 5, 2024

OctPoWriMo and Writober: Day 5 -Tanka and Pantoum

 Today is uninspiring, but I have something for you, dear Readers. Sometimes I just don't have much to write about, or a lack of words to say. So, please enjoy today's fare...

Prompt: Success/Fear/Euphony (Tanka)


Waging Wars


After its over

When thinking begins again

Was I good enough?

Am I deserving of this?

Battling my fears again.


In the Dark (A Pantoum Story)


This is not a story that I am telling

I am not writing words to entertain.

I am simply writing words down

As a dark figure whispers in my ear.


I am not writing words to entertain,

I am writing words I am told to write.

As a dark figure whispers in my ear

That I only have the night.


I am writing words I am told to write

Like my life may depend on it,

That I only have the night

To finish what I am writing.


Like my life may depend on it,

Writing words in a certain order.

To finish what I am writing

By this dark figure at my side.


Writing words in a certain order--

I am simply writing words down

By this dark figure at my side

This is not a story that I am telling.

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