Here, There be a Writer

Sunday, October 6, 2024

And the Writing Continues...

 Day 6 of OctPoWriMo and Writober, and today's prompt is all about imposter syndrome. It is some that I deal with regularly. Feeling like I am not good enough, or why should I even try to do this or that. It makes for some unproductive days.

Imposter’s Waltz (Bop Poem)


It doesn’t matter if it is morning or night,

The beckoning call comes from the back of

My head, where the deep thoughts creep.

I just want to silence their singing,

Telling me to stop the battle that I

Am waging with my own two hands.


They sing sweetly of my failures,

Let me dance the tarantella of my faults.

I do not know when it started to play,

This melodic hymn of the false.

In this waltz, I try to step right,

Only to have my feet slide to the left, and I

See my mistakes laid out before me,

Accusatory of my attempts at Art.


When there is a flash of light, spilling

Into the darkness that this lying, macabre music tells.

I can see a luminated figure standing guard.

The lamplight is so bright, and I can finally see

Where I left my quill and ink, lying in the dust.


 (Etheree) Imposter Feels

For a moment it feels so natural,

Talking about the plans to be made,

When you tell me that I am dumb,

Stares blankly back towards your face,

What did I do? I ask.

Laughter, then silence.

You thought you could,

Came the words

From me



Am the


Having some tea,

Sitting with myself

At a poser gala,

With crumpets and shame at my

Lack of control, thinking I could,

But not knowing better, I still say

That I cannot, I am the imposter.

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