I have since recover from the head cold of doom. Seriously, I am sick of winter and cold. I am sure that this winter will continued unperturbed into April. I do hope not! In between being sick and busy with upcoming theatre project, I have been writing haiku. A LOT!
I have all the haiku I wrote in the month of February, going to try an make a haiku book of these. Now to learn the fine art of Photoshop, or some other publishing program to make the pages of this and other in process projects.
The Tempest is coming along. I have 3 of my 4 scenes memorized and getting more comfortable with Trinculo. I am pretty sire that I will have time to record myself as Trinculo and post it for all you, Dear Readers. I want you to see my progress with this role. It's awesome!
The WIP stories have stagnated a bit. Not sure what's causing the blocking, except for maybe life. So, I am going to focus on writing little pieces to stretch my writing muscles. I need to write, even if it's a scene here or a random story there. Feeling positive, even if I don't get as much done as I wanted to. I started writing a scene that is turning into a clear story. That's why I love getting writing prompts via twitter, friends, and forums, or music too! Even when I feel that I am not writing, my mind is still working. Lindsay Katt and Meghan Andrews are some great music to write by, by the way. :-)
I am managing to keep up with the housework, even in the middle of a show. Granted it's mostly because i am only working my day job three days a week. I am glad that my theatre life is waking up, because that is what is helping to keep me on track. When I am busy, I find I can get more accomplished. Is that weird, Dear Readers? That I need to keep somewhat busy to stay productive?
But, I do! When I have a few things going on at once (at really at the same time, per se), but when I am working on a show and organizing Improv and other theatre events, I seem to be able to get more done. Why is that? I know can be a tad ADD at times, much in the way of Dug the Dog from "Up".
"Hiiiii! My name is Dug....SQUIRREL!"
Anyway, I'm gearing up for more stuffs and things to occupy and/or distract me. I have pulled out some of my old VHS tapes of cartoons and TV specials hat I want to review: "Donald Duck in Math Magic-land" and "The Reluctant Dragon", or an old episodes of "Are You Afraid of the Dark?". I see a project for this weekend. Hehehe!! Have a positive mid-week, Dear Readers! Question for you all: what is one or more TV show, Special, or movie you really remember watching a lot of as a kid/teenager? Leave me some love and an answer below. I believe in all of you, Dear Readers!
Check out the other writers within this Blog Hop Here!
Some March haiku for you:

Upon a Wednesday morning/
I am feeling just fine.
Wearing your most prized/
Dappled Grey pea-coat you got/
Under the Pear Tree.
Song of the Day: Eddie From Ohio - The New James Bond
I love the Reluctant Dragon. "Poor little upside-down cake, your bottom's on your top." I haven't seen it in forever.
ReplyDeleteLike you, I'm better at time management when I have more on my plate. If things are slow, I procrastinate. But there's also a balance. If I have too much to do, I become overwhelmed and kind of shut down. So it's a balancing act.
Are you going to share any of your haiku poems on your site? I could use some spring-inspired poetry right about now. :)