Here, There be a Writer

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Sunday Bowl ROW80 Update: And Some Art!

First off I missed Wednesday. I do feel awfully bad. I mean AWFULLY bad. Guilty even. Somewhere between Winter Dreg's and the Polar Vortex, I did not get much done worth reporting. My brain just didn't feel compelled. And I feel really guilty. I know I shouldn't, but I do.

Okay, enough whining and moping. (Pierre August Renoire Phase)

I think winter has gotten to a lot us. I have spent a lot of time wishing I wasn't so cold, bundling under blankets, turning on space heaters, etc. But, seriously, it's February now! Somehow that makes my brain stand up and notice. These winter months get awful boring if one is not careful. There is a tedium that comes with this time of year. When it's so cold you don't want to leave your house or there is so much snow that you can't. Your brain doesn't always want to form sentences, let alone think. Corning, NY doesn't have the snow problem that Buffalo, NY gets. We had snow earlier in the winter, now, only about an inch or two since New Year's. We have had the cold, bitter cold temperatures and frigid wind chills. Sometimes we were colder that Prudhoe Bay, Alaska (not now) and that's at the top of the world. But, anyway...writing...goals...

Here is Picasso's Cat
I finished my short story and revised it before January was over, called "Bluebirds Gone." Gearing up to write another short story for February. ~flexes my arms~ It's good practice. I am trying to have fun when I write stories, cause if I am not having fun, then I think the writing suffers. Obscure Poetry Month is over. I made it; wrote some fun little poems and made a few new friends on twitter who also like poetry.

Been reading "Inheritance" every chance I get. Currently on page 312 of 846 pages. It's taking a while! Heh! I knew it would. I do love the story, but WOW it feels like reading Tolkien at times (especially the battles) with more dragons. Been trying to line up my blog with ideas/topics for non-ROW80 entries that I can write-up through February. I don't have the poetry to always lean on and I try not to. I love poetry, but not everyone wants to read it all the time, so I like to keep it interesting. i am very diverse in my interests, that for sure. It's gonna be an awesome year here at "Here, There be a Writer".

(John William Waterhouse Phase)

We have begun rehearsing "The Tempest". That is coming more to the forefront. I love Shakespeare, but the way he wrote...Damn! It feels like a freakin' tongue twister, especially with Trinculo's lines. I don't know, but Bottom was easier to understand sometimes, or Trinculo is more complex. He motives are really simple though. It's his words. I get hung up on, "...Here's neither bush nor shrub, to bear off any weather at all, and another storm brewing, I can hear it sing in the wind." Not particularly hard, but he's sentences are all commas and semi-colons. No wonder I write in free flow thought and with lots of commas. Shakespeare wrote as the modern equivalent of the run-on sentence writer. YET, it was common back then to write like that, especially in his style of writing. Oh, RULES OF GRAMMAR!!! ~raises fist in supplication~

(Vincent Van Gogh Phase)

This week is going to be awesome, it's February 2nd! Groundhog's Day! The Superbowl! (oops that's copyrighted. Who freakin' copy writes the Superbowl?) A new month, with new possibilities and challenges. More poetry to ultimately write, stories to tell, works to revise, words to read. Life is awesome when those things exist. There are plenty of other awesome things, but those are a start. Everyday is a chance to do something awesome, make something amazing, help out a person, and live a great life.

Dear Readers, I hope you have a great week; enjoy the Big Game or the Puppy Bowl, maybe read a book. Stay warm if you are in areas that are still experiencing the Polar Vortex. It's a bit warming here at 38 degrees and slightly rainy and I have plans to watch the Puppy Bowl later today. What do you plan to do today, Dear Readers? Leave me a comment or some love below. Be good to each other and I believe in you!

Enjoy some of my favourite art pieces through this blog!

This is a Blog Hop, come see some of the other fine folk who write, HERE!

1 comment:

  1. No Groundhogs in our yard... Too many cats and neighbor dogs.

    I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who has been having trouble with the winter doldrums and inspiration to write. It's been an odd winter, that cold without snow, that long settled bone chill.

    Still, it looks like you're getting plenty done despite the hibernation urge. Keep up the creative activities.


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