Here, There be a Writer

Monday, October 3, 2022

OctPoWriMo Day 3: Spirals of Creation (Loop Poem)

I will let this poem speak for itself. There are some things that I need to let sit before I can truly process

them. This is one of them. I will say that the poetic form in today's prompt, the loop poem lends itself well

to this prompt, this theme I am working on. It is a simplified version of a Blitz Poem.

The Real Fear

Feel like you running

Running away

Away from the storm

Storm is a comin’

Comin’ for me.

Me, Standing alone--

Alone I am.

Am I real

Real is the storm coming

Coming for me,

Me who is alone, standing

Standing in the eye.

Eye the landscape for…

For a sign of…

Of the approaching storm

Storm is brewing in my heart

Heart is not there

There is a fear

Fear that I cannot

Cannot beat the coming

Coming to feel,

Feel the storm

Storm coming.

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