Here, There be a Writer

Sunday, September 21, 2014

AROW80 Sunday: Round 3 winding down

Currently healing from a sinus attack yesterday. Slight wannabe headache today, so taking it slow.  Saturdays have been my unplugged day for the last few weeks. Feels good, because I usually am working on this or that during the week. Today is getting back on track and still unwinding. I had training yesterday for the day job and that kind of throw a monkey wrench into the weekend. But it was 4 extra hours, giving me almost 41 hours, a total was 40.75 (I left a touch early Friday which accounts for the .75 = 45 minutes).

This week:
    *Finished, The Gun Seller by Hugh Laurie, and then started, American Gods by Neil Gaiman. Wow! Only 4 chapters in and feeling like I want to just keep reading. Surprised it's taken me this long to get to reading Gaiman's work. Thinking I am going to enjoy this book. The Gun Seller, I am not usually into spy novels, but Hugh's wit and comedy make it a fantastic read.
    *Editing/Writing: started a deeper edit of Road Trip. Found a big gap in the opening scene. Not a plot hole, but realized that there need to be more. Been working on character development. Finished my press release. Got one of my technical betas input. After one more edit, I can submit it to the director for review and then get it out to the presses. Haven't written anything new, but feeling like I need to focus on edited for a bit and also submitting.
    *Visiting: Except for Saturday, I have been really good about visiting, reading, and commenting on  follow bloggers/writers; this includes today. I average about 3 to four. Time to up the game. Using twitter as a networking tools more more. Spending less time on Facebook, unless I am networking.

Did not accomplished:
    *Submitting: while I did not get to this this week. I am planning on submitting to at least one today to start the last week of Round 3 right. I cannot slack on this. I feel like I need to just sit down and submit; look for new places to submit and start figuring what could be submitting to previous journals I have submitted to. I have had a couple saying the I should submit again.  Nothing published yet. Still trying.
     *Blogging: missed blogging Friday and Saturdays. I have unplugged time and that is just as important. I blogged earlier in the week, so not a total loss. Always a new week, right, Dear Readers.

Will work on (see previous section):
     *The Normal Stuff: writing, editing, visiting, etc. Meaning the stuff you usually see me working on.

Trying to remind myself, Dear Readers that this quotes is the most important thing, that I go out and do, instead of saying I'll do. This is hard when I don't get something down, or when I say one thing and then it doesn't get done. I want people to know that my word is good. That I do, and not just sit and talk about doing. James posted a really well wording piece that uses this principle, "Show, Don't Tell". Go read it! It's worth it! Also, there is the Blog Hop for us ROW80-ers here. Come and cheer us on.

What is everyone up to this week? How are your goals, ROW-ers for Round 3? what is the plan for Round 4? Anything exciting for the impending Autumn? Holidays are creeping around the corner, are you trying to not think about them, or prepping for traveling, dinners, parties, etc?

Me, I am working with my hands in several fires. Some are one off projects that don't kick up until next month or November. Others I am currently working on, The Life and Adventures of Santa Claus, collecting props, working on sets, some promotions, and even get to be in the final scene. Also, working on the Ghost Walk for the Falls Harvest Fest in 2 weeks. Always something going on.

Have a great week, Dear Readers! Got out and make something awesome. Live Quietly Epic. And remember I believe you. 


  1. I love Hugh Laurie so might check out his book. I've only read one Neil Gaiman book and that was Stardust but loved it.
    I loved that quote by the way. I might have to nick it.
    I lost my way a little with round three so hoping round four will be better.
    You still managed some great stuff this week. :)

  2. You are so right with "it's a new week!" That's the spirit! You did well on your goals, even if you didn't get to all you'd hoped. Mine were a bit derailed with "life happens" stuff, so that's what I have to focus on too. Good luck with the end of the round, and keep up the good work!

    1. Thanks! Some days I feel like Dory, "Just keep swimming..."

  3. There's lot to feel good bout here! I never get through all my goals; I'm not really trying to as much as I am to move them forward or at least be thinking about how I could do that...

    And there's always a new week and a new round!


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