Yes, I did get distracted and was a little impeded, but it was for a worthy cause. All work and no play...something something... is the last of the summer days, even though summer goes until the Autumnal Equinox, it is the end of the summer when the kids return to school, teachers get busy, and the smell of all things pumpkin return, as well as bonfire, foliage change, and sweater weather. All wonderful things, but this mean summer must come to an end.
It was quite warm yesterday, and then today VERY muggy with some rain. What little time I have before the end of summer I am trying to enjoy with as much gusto as I can afford. But there are always other things happening and going on. This is my life. Anyway...
I took a few days off to have a long 5 day Labour Daybour weekend from the day job, this included a trip to the State Fair Thursday (more on that tomorrow), a weekend visit with my Dad and Aunt, and also watching Doctor Who last night with the Loves and getting my final birthday present. That being said, new stuff happened and creative juices did flow.
Onto the bullet points!
Since Wednesday:
*I am at the 300 page of "Abhorsen", and two chapters into "Misty of Chincoteague". "Misty is an easy read and plan to finish it by Monday night. I bought some more books at a Salvo in Cortland, NY. The laat two days I haven't read with company in town, but you know how that goes.
*Wrote a bit on something that could turn into a story at least. Enjoying having daily writing prompts to write from. Good news though, there are some creative prospects coming up that involve me and writing a lot; 24 Hour Theatre in September and November too, the Xmas show in Hammondsport, and I just talked to the writer-in-residence of the Old Havana Courthouse Theatre with the owner and they would be interested in seeking out new and upcoming writers of Melodramatic Shows. I talked to him about the prospect of writing a melodrama for Old Havana. So, now I have something to write for. Oh, and I have Scrivener now too!! So, while I haven't written everyday this past week, I have written something. Stretching the muscles and at least keeping literally (as in literate and literary) limber!
*Blogged one day this week, so I am on track with that goal. The aim is twice a week, not counting the Round of Words check-in blogs. Have two ideas in process, one is an interview and another is the return of my book to movie reviews (4 reviews, 1 blog post a week). More to happen next week.
*Have visited at least 3 blogs on Wednesday. Will make that goal today too. Now I need to set aside time to visit fellow bloggers each day. After thinking about it this past week, I think that is how I will break past this particular "goal ceiling".
*I have been utilizing social media more to interact with fellow writer and share my words and stuff. This is an important thing!
NEW CONCEPT WORD! Goal Ceiling - (noun) The block that keeps you from going past a goal.
That which fell short:
*Journaling. I did not journal at all this past week. Not sure why, I had the time, but my motivation in that department fell a bit short. Well, no time to dwell on the bad, there is next week to look forward to.
*No new submissions. This hasn't totally bother me yet, because I am currently working on getting work ready to submit to new places or other places that have said I should submit to their next issue. This gives me the hope I think I needed. Friends can offer advise, but when you get a complement and constructive criticism from the journal, that makes me feel good.
*Do not do any revision. This is the part that I felt worst about. It's what I NEED to do. It's always on my list. I need to remember what I wrote just above this when I have an off revision week.
*I had been keeping a sticker journal of my goals, but while I was working on Tarzan I fell short and stopped doing it. I think it's time to start that up again. It seems to help me get more results.
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Then there is the new Doctor, oh life is good indeed. That makes Saturday pretty freaking awesome.
I have a bunch of little theatre events that will be occurring through the Autumn and into the Winter with 2 Hour Theatre, Halloween Improv, the Ghost Walk (a walking tour of Montour Falls and the Ghosts of the famous denizens who lived there), Xmas Shows, and of course NaNoWriMo too. Will be a busy end to 2014, but I do thrive on being busy. I am looking forward to it though. Really feeling good about everything, Dear Readers. I just need to keep focused, plan my time better, and be Brave! AllonsY, Geronimo, and Gallifrey Stands!!
BTW, Sara Bareilles is the awesome!!!
Remember to visit the Blog Hop and cheer us ROW-ers onto the final weeks of Round 3!