Here, There be a Writer

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

NaPoWriMo 2014: Day #1 (Bibliomancy Oracle)

My first NaPoWriMo post, using the Bibliomancy Oracle to get the juices flowing.

I got a passage from the poem "Enemies" by Dante Micheaux (see below). It has inspired a bit from Shakespeare's "The Tempest" which I am currently in a production of, as Trinculo. So, this is most appropriate. I am not familiar with this Dante's work, but I find it an intriguing poem and it leads itself to an interesting poem of mine own.


Enemies (section of)

"Remember what makes one human,
animal, is not the high road
but the baseness in the heart,
the knowledge that they could,
at any moment, betray you."

I hope you enjoy. It has been an interesting morning; journaling and beginning my major writing challenges for the month of April. A good and time as any to wake up the muses and get to writing. Leave me a comment below, Dear Readers about the poem both mine and Mr. Micheaux's. Maybe leave a topic for consideration.

This is my first year partaking in NaPoWriMo and I am excited to see where the poetic muse leads me and what challenges I face this month.

Truths between Beast and Man by Cynthia Scott

The beast at the core--
To all who roam this isle,
Whether you be Ariels or Calibans
Is nothing but how your heart doth sets.

To beest a human--
May be to betray your own thoughts
But also to beest human requires, that one feeling,

A beast can feel compassion,
That is quite the truth.
When on the hunt the beast
Decides to give up the chase,
As for nought.
A human can also give chase
Or relinquish command and stand back
Giving peace.

Both may indeed, betray,
With their internal commands
And intrinsic desires,
There is also the truth, that,
Somewhere deep down
What were thine own enemies
Are merely allies in disguise.

7:58 am

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