This is also a good time to let to know, Dear Readers that I am planning a blogging schedule. Finally! i have been thinking for years that I need a schedule to hold me accountable. After this summer, I have grown into my own dedication, but one can ALWAYS do better.
The Music Man has started. Seeing as I am stage managing this show, I have three days a week devoted to rehearsals, plus I am now down a vehicle as the spring in my front driver side strut is toast. The worst part is that even IF I fix it (at a cost of 722.00 cost ), there is a chance that with the rust on my van that one hit of a pot hole could junk my van for good. This van has brought me much luck and had MANY adventures...
The Scooby Gang during Sesame Street |
Plus, I now have at least 4/5 hours to work on writing projects, and resting, should the nap attack occur.
Sheesh, that's a lot to soak in, Cindy. Sorry, Dear Readers. I meant for something more glorious for today's post and you get a longish thread about being sick, broken vehicles, etc.
~Drum roll~
I am hear to reveal my new blog schedule. I have missed writing here about things and stuff, so I am returning to regular postings and mixing it up a little too. As you probably know, I am involved in A Round of Words in 80 Days. A blog challenge that I post twice a week about my progress on my goals and writing plans for the future. I also write poetry and do the challenges OctPoWriMo and NaPoWriMo, these are monthly poetry challenges where yo write a poem a day (either free write or the provided daily prompt). I also do NaNoWriMo in November and #writestuff tweet chats on Tuesday nights. I am networking more, meeting new writers and colleagues. Lots of fun stuff, but sometimes I feel the hermit because of it. Does anyone else feel that way?
Also, I do theatre. LOTS and LOTS of theatre and I thus be busy until November 15th with the Music Man.
Instead of feeling weird about not sitting down to write, blog, or edit; I am going to make sure I schedule some time to devote to write on the days I can, this includes posting interesting blogs on Here, There Be a Writer. This is a little new for me so bear with me.
*Mondays: Music Man rehearsal 6-9 pm. Write for an hour after coming home.
*Tuesdays: Poetry Corner posts. Will post a recent or archival poem from my collection. I have a lot of poems. Also, spend time writing and editing. Tweet chat: #writestuff at 9 pm.
*Wednesdays: ROW80, WIPpet Wednesday, and WWW Wednesday. Write and Edit on current WIP and EIP projects.
*Thursdays: Music Man rehearsal 6-9 pm. Random flash fiction or blog about something after rehearsal.
*Fridays: Write for 30 minutes sometime before bed.
*Saturdays: Unplugged day, unless I choose to write or blog, edit, read. This is generally my hang out day, where I can go and do stuff with friends. Now that it is fall and th weather will start to change, I will have more days to inside and write, edit, read, etc.
*Sundays: ROW80 post. Music rehearsals in the afternoon. (not always needs as we rehearse just music on Sundays. Write and edit sometime during the day, as much as I can.
Okay, so that part is free and clear. Onto random blog about random fun things. I love a good trip down memory lane. So, in the search of things of my youth I happen upon this...
...It's a Zag the Zebra, circa 1987 (ish?). My mom sold a lot of Avon, and often I got a lot of bubble bath, skin-so-soft, pins with hidden doors with perfume in them, and toys. I think I got Zag when I was sick and home from school, or maybe a birthday. I really can't remember that detail. I just remember the fuzzy, stumpy legged rainbow zebra that was my favourite toy for years. Then like it happens Zag disappeared or became lost. I never forgot. But is conversations with the hubs about Avon memorabilia, Zag came up. To the Google I say, and poof, there was proof he existed and on eBay. Yes, you know the rest of then story. I now own a Zag the Rainbow Zebra. I do feel like a dork, but a happy dork!
...just when you think you have it all!
Just like the nerdiness that allows me to go to Weird Al concerts, listen to Tardis sounds while I write. Go check out the 1 hour video of the interior Tardis Hum from the 9th and 10th Doctor's Tardis. It's really a good sound to write to and not creepy at all.
So, Dear Readers, what are some things that you geek out to? Things you like to reminisce about?
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