Here, There be a Writer

Sunday, October 1, 2023

October is Art Challenge Month

Day number One: Spooky

This is Spooky! She is a cat. She is quite photogenic too. While I am not a good photographer, I thought I would try a photo challenge this year. The one I found has "Spooky" as a prompt for today. It seems fitting, doesn't it.

Now on to the poetry...

OctPoWriMo: Fears (Day #1)

Written at the end of September, because I realized that October is the month of art challenges; and I wanted to get a jump on them. I cannot locate this year's OctPoWriMo, but have found a fellow writer who is posted and sharing their artistic endeavours. So, I will post all of them from poetry to illustration, and maybe a little in between.

Today's date is inspired by Maya Angelou. While not quite of the same caliber, it certainly feels the moment. 

Repeating Nightmares

There are many times,

Of things I have tried

That I could repeat.

Chosen to quickly

Not chosen fast enough,

That I could repeat.

Treated people wrongly,

Bullied or badgered.

Maybe, I could repeat.

I wish to try again

And only do I know

If I could repeat.

I do not want to try again

Only to know I have failed,

They I did repeat the mistakes.

Less likely to try again,

Afraid of what might begin

The future repeat mistakes.

Yet, if I don't know, or try

How will I escape the repeat fields

That I dread to repeat.

I fell in love again

Build a life again,

But this time I try a different step

To avoid repeated mistakes, again.

8:15pm 9/30/2023


  1. I like how you explored building fears through repetition, "Afraid of what might begin
    The future repeat mistakes."

  2. I suddenly remembered that it is October, and searched for the Octpowrimo site. Alas, it seems it is not being run this year. #wanttowriteagain


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