Here, There be a Writer

Sunday, March 2, 2014

More Damned Snow: An AROW80 Sunday Check-in

Before I begin this week, I want to say that this has been an wonderful experience. I know that this round is coming to a close (but not yet). I have learned a great deal about my writing habits and what gets me inspired. Maybe I wasn't as successful at some of my goals, or life real did get in the way, but I really did have fun. I have a greater understanding of what I CAN do as a writer.

Okay, I still have time in this round to be productive... ~clears throat~

I am back to reading. Plugging along with "Inheritance". I started to get overwhelmed by the stories progress and I felt there was A LOT of similarities in the story with "The Lord of the Rings" stories. And don't get me wrong, I do love Tolkien, but I started this series because of the Dragons, not a story wanting to be "The Lord of the Rings." I absolutely love the books "Eragon" and "Eldest," even "Brisinger" was a more mature novel, in Paolini's writing style. I loved it, except for the really long and detailed Dwarven Parliament. The interwoven stories and the depth to the characters pulled me in. Inheritance is also good in the same way, but there are also moment that you are slogging through. My biggest beef is the battles, they play out like mini Helms Deep battles. I hit a hump in one of the chapters, where I didn't want to go on. There will be no spoilers here! I will just stay that in the chapter called "Conclave of Kings" I was overwhelmed (as stated previously). Two days ago, I made myself resume reading and to my delight i can still read it. I really was a small speed bump that made my head go 'AHHHHH' for a bit. I am clearly pasted my date of February 15th to finish "Inheritance". Oh well! I am getting the most out of this book.

I am making progress on my WIP. (Oooh, first time I used that. I see all my fellow writers using it and these are WIPs). The "In the City" may in fact turn into a longer story, maybe novella length, not too sure. I am just really intrigued by the current story flow. I want to see where I end up taking it. i find that when I start a story I will get bored with the premise. Now "Crying Mascara" (recently posted to my deviantart page, if you are curious to read it), that one was really easy. It flowed like some sort of gently flowing river until it reached the seashore and made passionate love to the sea. I know, what a strange way to describe a story. But, upon reflection, it's true. "In the City" could very well flow with the same passion, I just need to direct it more.

On the other side, my Doctor Who story (fan-fic) is proving to be harder to kick start. I will admit that the In the City" story has taken my fancy, but I've not given up hope. I like my base, now I need that thing to happen or that person to do that other thing to suddenly make the trickle turn into a roaring river. Maybe I should just listen to the sound of the Tardis Interior Hum to get inspired. There is something to the sound, because I have journaled to this sound, blogged, and written. Maybe it's algorithms. Maybe it's just cause I really like Doctor Who. I know.

Gearing up for more blog entries for non-ROW80 blogs. I am thinking that I want to do another themed month, maybe not a poetry one this time. Although, they are fun and I get some really interesting poems out of it.Again, I throw this out there all the time, but I love to get interesting poetry topics to write about. Leave me a comment below, and I shall compose a poem about your topic for you, Dear Readers. I am thinking of continuing AROW80 into the next round.

It's Sunday and it's snowing, again Dear Readers. ~GROANS~ Why does it have to be so pretty, when I am so sick of it's presence? I have a number of things to still accomplish today. So go out there, Dear Readers and make something amazing or go watch Sherlock and then make something amazing. I am going to be writing and rehearsing lines and meeting with Stephano (that would be Antoinette) later today to run lines (as I missed Wednesday rehearsal because of plague). Gonna be a full day, but feeling rather good this morning. Maybe an impromptu haiku for you this morning.

When March had begun
And the world is still covered
Know this, Spring will be.

 Have a fantastic week! Like I said before, go out there and make something beautiful. Go and check out my fellow writers at the Blog Hop for A Round of Words in 80 days! Be good to each other and I believe in all of you!!!

Oh and listen to some Meghan Andrews cover of "Jolene" today, you won't regret it. Here's one of her original songs:

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