Here, There be a Writer

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

OctPoWriMo: Whirlpool

Poetry Prompt: In honor of my week of feeling overwhelmed, I challenge you to write into your feelings of overwhelm; when you feel it, how you feel it, what happens when you feel it, and what you do about it.

Word Prompts: swamp, submerge, engulf, bury, deluge, flood, inundate

Poetic Form: Ballad

This has to be one of the harder new forms that I have tackled. I visit shadow poetry often and this one I have looked at repeatedly. Usually I just continue on. I am glad that Morgan made me try it. It has rhyme and meter and together HOO BOY!! But the topic was perfect. I have felt overwhelm and ready to pack it in, so I am more than confidant that I can managed this poem. I hope you enjoy it Dear Readers, also I hope it doesn't stress you out it is is too accurate.

OctPoWriMo is a month long poetry challenge, 31 poems in 31 days. Come and see what everyone has been writing at the Blog Hop.

From MorgueFile

Its like a whirling of the wind
spinning around your head
and at once masking all that veils,
a deluge to be bled.

A monster that resides within
starting to claw without
to distract you from the daily
twirling dance of the doubt.

Its like a whirling of the wind
spinning around your head
and at once masking all that veils,
a deluge to be bled.

Upon your feet you stand erect
while the mental demons 
who have awoken with the storm
begin now to hasten.

Its like a whirling of the wind
spinning around your head
and at once masking all that veils,
a deluge to be bled.

Their dance engulfs you in a pit
where the flood levels rise
moments before you were alive
only to ask the whys.

Its like a whirling of the wind
spinning around your head
and at once masking all that veils,
a deluge to be bled.

You, in darkness when the storm falls
feeling sometimes swamped and 
at a loss for a breath
that you have swallowed sand. 

Its like a whirling of the wind
spinning around your head
and at once masking all that veils,
a deluge to be bled.

Afterward, there is nothing left
just alone and afraid
as the dancing storm is finished
and all you feel is frayed. 


  1. Beautiful. "And all you feel is frayed." I have been there.

  2. what a unstoppable spin.


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