Here, There be a Writer

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Poets that Inspire Me

Poetry! I was thinking about the poets that I love to read, or have been inspired by. Recently began to think about the poets who have left their mark on my soul. In general I have a wide and diverse palette. Much of my early poetry reading days was in high school, when it was required. Am I right? But when I think about it there are a goodly bit o' writer that have influenced me in my writing and life as a whole.

The ones that have struck a chord with me. Their images and word play, to their use of rhyme and form, each of these have had me fall for the words that they write. These poets that I keep coming back to are the ones that have a unique style or flavour and a likely the reason I am still writing poetry.

1. Edgar Allen Poe: while kind of an obvious choice, there is something about Poe's words that pull me to him. It's an understanding of the darker side, the hidden side, and that which isn't always obviously seen. The Raven is ultimately my favourite, but I also love Annabel Lee and El Dorado.

2. Robert Frost: Frost was required reading and everyone knows The Road Not Taken from High School, but I prefer Mending Walls or Stopping by a Woods Snowy Evening. I wrote a parody poem based on Stopping By..., read it here. Frost writes of realism in the everyday. It's an absolute truth.

3. Maya Angelou: Still I Rise. Enough said.

4. Neil Gaiman: Only within the last few months have I discovered Neil's poetry. anyone who can write about building an office chair is awesome in my book. Oh, and I almost forgot; I've been a fan of The Problem with Saints since  receiving a mix tape from a friend from college.

5. Jessica Scott: my internet poet and friend, whom I met during OctPoWriMo, every poem I read of her felt like a comfortable blanket wrapping me in the world of the poem. You should check out her blog Lunatic Poet (poems and thoughts).

What are your favourite poems or poets, Dear Readers? I'd love to hear from you...


  1. I'm actually trying to memorize "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening" by Robert Frost. I've had the first and last stanzas memorized for years, now I just need to get every word of the other ones down.

    Some of my favorite poets include Mary Oliver, Robert Frost, Seamus Heaney, W.B. Yeats ("Brown Penny" is a favorite of mine), and Billy Collins. If you love poetry, I recommend Billy Collins's "Introduction to Poetry," a poem about teaching poetry to undergraduates. Hilarious.

  2. Both Neil and Jessica are new to me..thanks!!! I love Robert W Service and Frank Zappa


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